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Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Potter S, Trickey A, Rattay T, O'Connell RL, Dave R, Baker E, Whisker L, Skillman J, Gardiner MD, Macmillan RD, Holcombe C; Dragoumis D; TeaM and iBRA-2 Steering Groups, Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative, Mammary Fold Academic and Research Collaborative. Therapeutic mammaplasty is a safe and effective alternative to mastectomy with or without immediate breast reconstruction.Br J Surg. 2020 Feb 19. doi: 10.1002/bjs.11468. PMID:32073654 (IF: 5.899) 

  2. Mastectomy Decisions Audit (MasDA) Collaborative, on behalf of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. Dragoumis D; Multicentre observational study evaluating recommendations for mastectomy by multidisciplinary teams. Br J Surg. 2019 Nov 5. doi: 10.1002/bjs.11383. PMID:31691270 (IF: 5.899) 

  3. O'Connell RL, Rattay T, Dave RV, Trickey A, Skillman J, Barnes NLP, Gardiner M, Harnett A, Potter S, Holcombe C; Dragoumis D; iBRA-2 Steering Group; Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative. The impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the time to delivery of adjuvant therapy: the iBRA-2 study. Br J Cancer. 2019 Apr;120(9):883-89 PMID: 30923359 (IF: 5.922)

  4. O'Connell RL, Baker E, Trickey A, Rattay T, Whisker L, Macmillan RD, Potter S, Dragoumis D; TeaM Steering Group; Mammary Fold Academic and Research Collaborative. Current practice and short-term outcomes of therapeutic mammaplasty in the international TeaM multicentre prospective cohort study. Br J Surg. 2018 Dec; 105(13):1778-1792 PMID: 30132807 (IF: 5.899) 

  5. Atmatzidis S, Chatzimavroudis G, Dragoumis D, Katsiba D, Makris J, Atmatzidis K. "Double bubble" sign: an uncommon radiologic manifestation of a metastatic lobular carcinoma of the breast to retroperitoneum. Breast J. 2013 Sep-Oct; 19(5):542-3. PMID: 23848278 (IF: 1.920)

  6. Dragoumis D, Desiris K, Kyropoulou A, Malandri M, Assimaki A, Tsiftsoglou A. Hemangiopericytoma/solitary fibrous tumor of pectoralis major muscle mimicking a breast mass. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2013; 4(3):338-41. PMID: 23416503

  7. Dragoumis DM, Assimaki AS, Tsiftsoglou AP. Pure mucinous carcinoma with axillary lymph node metastasis in a male breast. Breast Cancer. 2012 Oct; 19(4):365-8. PMID: 19756925 (IF: 1.170)

  8. Atmatzidis S, Chatzimavroudis G, Dragoumis D, Tsiaousis P, Patsas A, Atmatzidis K. Gastric schwannoma: a case report and literature review. Hippokratia. 2012 Jul; 16(3):280-2. PMID: 23935300 (IF: 0.560)

  9. Dragoumis DM, Boudalaki ES, Assimaki AS, Tsiftsoglou AP. Pulmonary hamartoma masquerading lung metastasis in a woman with inflammatory breast cancer. Breast J. 2012 Sep; 18(5):486-8. PMID: 22882690 (IF: 1.920)

  10. Dragoumis DM, Kyropoulou AN, Desiris KI, Assimaki AS, Tsiftsoglou AP. Breast tumour as the first manifestation of extramedullary relapse of Philadelphia positive (Ph+) acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Breast Dis. 2011-2012; 33(4):171-6. PMID: 23089808

  11. Dragoumis DM, Katsohi LA, Amplianitis IK, Tsiftsoglou AP. Late local recurrence of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the skin of female breast. World J Surg Oncol. 2010 Jun 3; 8:48. PMID: 20525288 (IF: 1.750)

  12. Papaziogas B, Koutelidakis J, Dragoumis D, Atmatzidis S, Giakoustidis A, Atmatzidis K. Perforated jejunal diverticulum presenting as acute abdomen. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2010 Jan-Feb; 105(1):119-21. PMID: 20405692 (IF: 0.670)

  13. Galanis I, Dragoumis D, Kalogirou T, Lakis S, Kotakidou R, Atmatzidis K. Spontaneous perforation of solitary ulcer of transverse colon. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2010 Jan-Mar; 53(1):138-40. PMID: 20090246 (IF: 0.522)

  14. Galanis I, Dragoumis D, Tsolakis M, Zarampoukas K, Zarampoukas T, Atmatzidis K. Obstructive ileus due to a giant fibroepithelial polyp of the anus. World J Gastroenterol. 2009 Aug 7; 15(29):3687-90. PMID: 19653351 (IF: 2.848)

  15. Galanis IN, Dragoumis DM, Christopoulos PN, Galanis NN, Atmatzidis KS. Giant villous adenoma and McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome in an incarcerated rectal prolapse. Colorectal Dis. 2010 Apr; 12(4):382-4. PMID: 19220372 (IF: 2.452)

  16. Dragoumis D, Atmatzidis S, Chatzimavroudis G, Lakis S, Panagiotopoulou K, Atmatzidis K. Benign spindle cell tumor not otherwise specified (NOS) in a male breast. Int J Surg Pathol. 2010 Dec; 18(6):575-9. PMID: 19064588 (IF: 0.782)

  17. Koutelidakis I, Dragoumis D, Papaziogas B, Patsas A, Katsougianopoulos A, Atmatzidis S, Atmatzidis K. Gastric perforation and death after the insertion of intragastric balloon. Obes Surg. 2009 Mar; 19(3):393-6. PMID: 18836786 (IF: 3.346)

  18. Dragoumis DM, Assimaki AS, Tsiftsoglou AP. Solid variant of a pure intracystic papillary carcinoma of the breast: case report. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2008; 29(5):545-7. PMID: 19051833 (IF: 0.580)

  19. Dragoumis D, Bimpa K, Assimaki A, Tsiftsoglou A. Primary osteogenic sarcoma of the breast. Singapore Med J. 2008 Nov; 49(11): e315-7. PMID: 19037539 (IF: 0.570)

  20. Dragoumis DM, Tsiftsoglou AP, Assimaki AS. Pulmonary sarcoidosis simulating metastatic breast cancer. J Cancer Res Ther. 2008 Jul-Sep; 4(3):134-6. PMID: 18923207 (IF: 0.777)

  21. Dragoumis DM, Tsiftsoglou AP, Sikou AD, Assimaki AS. Axillary lymph node metastases as the sole clinical site of occult breast carcinoma. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2008 Aug; 18(8): 517-9. PMID: 18798593 (IF: 0.340)

  22. Dragoumis DM, Tsiftsoglou AP. Intracystic papillary carcinoma associated with ductal carcinoma in situ in a male breast. J Postgrad Med. 2008 Jan-Mar; 54(1):39-40. PMID: 18296806 (IF: 1.014)

  23. Papaziogas B, Dragoumis D, Tsiaousis P, Giakoustidis D, Atmatzidis S, Sarlis G, Atmatzidis K. Primary torsion of the greater omentum. An obscure and unusual cause of acute abdomen. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2007 Jan-Feb; 102(1):95-8. PMID: 17410738 (IF: 0.670)

  24. Papaziogas B, Lazaridis C, Souparis A, Koutelidakis I, Grigoriou M, Dragoumis D, Atmatzidis K. Idiopathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis combined with left paraduodenal hernia in an adult. Med Princ Pract. 2007; 16(2):151-4. PMID: 17303953 (IF: 1.159)

  25. Papaziogas B, Katsikas B, Psaralexis K, Makris J, Chatzimavroudis G, Tsiaousis R, Dragoumis D, Radopoulos K, Panagiotopoulou K, Atmatzidis K. Adrenal pseudocyst presenting as acute abdomen during pregnancy. Acta Chir Belg. 2006 Nov-Dec; 106(6):722-5. PMID: 17290707 (IF 0.410) 

  26. Koutelidakis J, Chatzimavroudis G, Papaziogas B, Grigoriou M, Dragoumis D, Alexandrakis A, Atmatzidis K. The predictive value of white blood cell count and C-reactive protein in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Surg Chronicles. 2006 Jul; 11(3):270-276. 

  27. Dragoumis D, Makris J. Gynaecomastia. Surg Chronicles. 2009 Apr; 14(2):73-83.

  28. Dragoumis D, Assimaki A, Tsiftsoglou A. Hamartoma of the Breast. An uncommon benign tumor. Amer J Case Rep. 2008 Mar; 9:125-128.

  29. Papaziogas V, Chatzimavroudis G, Koutelidakis J, Dragoumis D, Atmatzidis S, Atmatzidis K. Comparative study between Mayo and tension-free mesh technique for the repair of umbilical hernia. Surg Chronicles. 2007 Jul; 12(3):249-253.

  30. Papaziogas B, Koutelidakis I, Chatzimavroudis G, Grigoriou M, Tsiaousis P, Dragoumis D, Giakoustidis A, Atmatzidis, K. Mesh vs non-mesh repair of Strangulated Femoral Hernia. A comparative study. Surg Chronicles. 2007 Jan; 12(1):45-50.

  31. Papaziogas B, Psaralexis K, Tsiaousis P, Dragoumis D, Papadopoulos E, Atmatzidis K. Dirophilariasis of the subcutaneous tissue. Surg Chronicles. 2006 Apr; 11(2):162-166.

  32. Pavlidis T, Dragoumis D, Chatzimavroudis G, Papadopoulos E, Papageorgiou T, Tahtsi M, Atmatzidis K. Current management of Spigelian hernia. Surg Chronicles. 2005 Apr; 10(2):100-104.

Oral & Poster Presentations| International

  1. Dragoumis D, Al-Attar M, Valassiadou K. Versatility of Chest Wall Perforator Flaps (CWPF) and Radiological Findings at follow up. (Αναρτημένη):  7th Panhellenic Conference of Greek Breast Surgical Society, 1-3.11.2019 in Athens, Greece

  2. Mistriotis G, Dragoumis D, Bains S, Valassiadou K. Breast Conserving Surgery for DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the breast) - Experience in University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust 1997-2009. (Αναρτημένη): International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, 3-5.05.2017 in Glasgow, Scotland

  3. Dragoumis D. Clinical debate on post mastectomy and regional radiotherapy. (Εισήγηση -προσκεκλημένος ομιλητής): ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology) 1st Advanced Breast Course, 16-19.09.2012 in Valencia, Spain

  4. Dragoumis D, Desiris K, Christopoulos P, Assimaki A, Tsiftsoglou A. Prognostic role of preoperative serum CA15.3 and its association with clinicopathological parameters. (Αναρτημένη): 8th European Breast Cancer Conference, 21-24.03.2012 in Vienna, Austria

  5. Desiris K, Dragoumis D, Assimaki A, Tsiftsoglou A. Very young women (<35 years) with primary breast cancer; a single institution retrospective analysis (2005-2009) (Αναρτημένη): 8th European Breast Cancer Conference, 21-24.03.2012 in Vienna, Austria

  6. Papaziogas B, Koutelidakis I, Kanistras C, Dragoumis D, Giakoustidis A, Christopoulos P, Atmatzidis S, Atmatzidis K. Laparoscopic 'Second-Look' in the management of acute mesenteric ischemia. (Αναρτημένη): 18th International Congress of the EAES, 14-19.06.2010 in Geneva, Switzerland

  7. Dragoumis D, Tsiftsoglou A, Mourgela A, Assimaki A. Triple negative breast cancer: Retrospective analysis of clinicopathological features from a single institution (2005-2008). (Αναρτημένη): 7th European Breast Cancer Conference, 24-27.03.2010 in Barcelona, Spain

  8. Tsiftsoglou A, Dragoumis D, Mourgela A, Assimaki A. Her2/neu receptor positivity and its correlation with other prognostic and predictive factors of breast cancer (Αναρτημένη):  7th European Breast Cancer Conference, 24-27.03.2010 in Barcelona, Spain

  9. Chatzimavroudis G, Dragoumis D, Christopoulos P, Atmatzidis S, Louizos A, Atmatzidis K. Incarcerated femoral hernia containing fallopian tube: an extremely rare case report. (Προφορική):  13th Surgical Week, 26-31.07.2009 in Chalkidiki, Greece

  10. Papaziogas B, Koutelidakis I, Chatzimavroudis G, Kogia E, Dragoumis D, Kanistras C, Atmatzidis K. Chronic pain after open groin hernia repair. (Προφορική): 19th Congress of European Hernia Society, 6-9.05.2007 in Athens, Greece 

  11. Koutelidakis J, Papaziogas B, Chatzimavroudis G, Makris J, Grigoriou M, Dragoumis D, Atmatzidis K. The predictive value of white blood cell count and C-reactive protein in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. (Προφορική):  19th European Congress on Surgical Infections, 25-28.05.2006 in Athens, Greece

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